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Old September 29th, 2008, 01:25 PM
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Default New nation : Shangri La, Hidden City of the Secret Masters-Released !

A new MA Nation, based on tibetan myth and history. The nation is the hidden city of Shangri La, ruled by powerful mage-priests who seek spiritual ascension and enlightenment.


Middle Era

Version 1.3

-Bhödpa spearman, archer, mountaineer (light infantry)
-Bhödpa yack rider (light cavalry)
-Shangrilan archer, crossbowman and heavy infantry, Dmag-Dar (standard bearer) & Dmag Hrag (veteran soldier).
-Light Bhödpa Cavalry & heavy Shangrilan Rta Pa Cavalry.
-Mi Gö and Mi Gö hunters (Mi Gö are ape-like intelligent creatures, related to yetis. And yes, there are yetis )...

Sacred :
-Guardian of the Hidden Valley
-Mi Dred (sacred Mi Gö warriors armed with club made of enchanted ice)

-Bhödpa scout
-Bhödpa sde pa (clan chief)
-Shangrilan dmag dpon (officer) and rje (king)
-Shangrilan monk (trapa)
-Mages: Ngagspa (sorcerers who dabble in dark magics), Demon-hunters (tibetan stories and legends seems to be full of demons!) and ragyapa (priests charged with practicing funerals by cutting corpses to small pieces and feeding them to vultures and other birds of prey).
-Red-Hat lamas
-Yellow-Hat lamas
-Black-Hat lamas
-Hidden Masters (powerful mages and occult masters of Shangri La)

Summons :

-Theurang, Klu & Lha spirits
-Srin Po, Bdud and Btsan demons
-Snow Lions
-Citipatis (undead who haunts cemeteries and dances on corpses)

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It's better to be GoRed by a nature mage than gored by a boar...

Last edited by Nounours; December 14th, 2008 at 05:59 AM..
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