Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
More history, for those interested: T'ien Ch'i and I, early on, decided to split up Marignon, may they rest in peace. Marignon, partway through, fought back against my main army by teleporting in its pretender, a Sacred Statue with strong air magic. I was totally surprised by this, and my great goblins and slowly dehydrating kappas were mostly torn to bits pretty quickly by the statue's Shock Wave or whatever that close-range electricity spell is called. But then... some of the routing kappas lost consciousness due to dryness. And the statue frantically tried to mind blast them away, but the 50-round limit arrived, and it routed! But it still couldn't move, being a statue. So then 25 more turns passed, and pop! No more Sacred Statue. My surviving kappas just slept through it all.
Unfortunately, Ulm very cleverly took this opportunity to march in and sweep the capital of Marignon away from us. This was the beginning of Ulm's domination, and a lesson well learned for me!