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Old October 1st, 2008, 01:22 PM

konming konming is offline
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Default Re: No more MP for Hinnom?

Originally Posted by DonCorazon View Post
I'd prefer to see tramplers not get nerfed. They give some otherwise weak early game nations a nice boost. And they always have the risk of trampling their own troops and have some significant morale issues that can be exploited.

I disagree on nerfing Ghost Riders - I think it should be able to take out most PD - it is a very high level spell that requires most nations to bootstrap to be able to cast and helps accelerate the end game.

The point re: Hinnom's magical diversity is also valid - as Fomoria I turned the tide briefly until Hinnom started showing up with SR trinkets. That's something that Niefel would have a tough time with except through trading. So I wouldn't mind seeing Hinnom lose access to some magic schools.

Are you kidding? Slightly more than 1 in 3 niefel jarls will have A1. And they can all forge ring of shock resistance, giving 100% SR. If you mean it does not have capital A income, neither does Hinnom.
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