Thread: Eriu guide
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Old October 1st, 2008, 11:49 PM
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Default Re: Eriu guide

I didn't mean to send them out one at a time, though. I meant instead of lining up 9 of them that you don't have equipment for, sending those 9 guys out in a group, let them chew up some territory, and then whichever of them gets the most experience/nicest heroic ability, or just fails to lose an eye, send a scout or something out to give that one the proper equipment, as you make it.

At the very least, that way you're doing some decentralization of your power base, since you've got a pretty powerful force roaming out there that, if your perfectly equipped Sidhe run into problems, or you get an unexpected threat attacking you, you can draw from that pool.

Does that make sense?

I'm always using scouts as couriers to equip a Niefel Jarl or a Prophet or something, that I've used to expand with, before I was able to forge a ring of regeneration or a frost brand, or whatever. And in any case, wouldn't Eriu eventually be aiming for Fairy Queens to get some healing going for those afflicted Sidhe?
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Last edited by HoneyBadger; October 1st, 2008 at 11:52 PM..
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