Thread: Dominions Day!
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 09:03 AM
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Default Re: Dominions Day!

Kris, "Rojden" in russian means "Born", and "S dnem Rojden`ya"..closest is "[Congratulatins] with the Day you`ve born"
"Congratulations" = "Pozdravlayu"
Our Dominions community is quite small: there`s no detalized localisation, and play original version is difficult to all, who is not good in english. But all my friends joins to my wish. Here it is:
"More ideas, more games, more next Dominions and more anything you need to be best!"
And special thanks for the mercenary Putin. I lol`d!
Plz sorry for my english - I`m Russian, and have no time to practice. If you want to discuss the game - well, let`s do it. If you want to discuss mistakes - write pm
Also grammar nazis must say sorry to my sick duck, yeah
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