Thread: MoV usage
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 09:04 AM

sum1lost sum1lost is offline
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Default Re: MoV usage

Originally Posted by Stavis_L View Post
Originally Posted by sum1lost View Post
Thing is, MoV is just as efficient as big battlefield spells for many nations. Fire gems don't have a huge number of battlefield spell uses (fire storm, flame storm, and living fire are the only 3 I can think of), all of which require high fire paths and very high research. Medallion of vengeance doesn't cost anymore, and while it will often deal less damage, does NOT commit a high level fire mage (which you might not even have, for most nations).
Erm...flaming arrows, anyone? Also Prison of Fire (not BF wide, but high AoE)
Flaming arrows is an f4 spell, and is less functional for nations that aren't archer heavy, or don't have f2+ mages. MoV can be used if you have an f1 mage.
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