A war started with arco which was rather drawn out, due to his SC pretender and some solid troop compositions featuring elephants and communions. After some time, Arco started to buckle, at which point Bandar attacked.
I don't think the beginning of the war was drawn out. I had the impression I got run over quickly. Arco's armies were worth nothing against Mictlan's blessed infantry, be it jaguar or eagle. Eagles are particularly vicious with (hold+)attack rearmost. My elephants couldn't do much and only my SC was able to do anything but she managed to get paralyzed too long and get killed. Once she was banished, there was little I could do and didn't have enough research to get a communion do something useful. I should have kept lots of units on guard commander to try to protect the mages from eagle warriors but even then, the many forts Mictlan had set up early on made it spew more cheap strong sacreds than I could set up troops of any kind. Well done.