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Old October 6th, 2008, 05:34 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Trample balance discussion

It all depends on how the immobile units work--as in: their stats. If they've got 60 Hp each, and 30 Prot, obviously they become a major factor in the game, but if-for example-you only gave them 1 Hp and just enough Prot that it would require the elephants to do a Crit to destroy them, then that only slows the elephant down for a limited amount of time-and other units can easily remove them in a single shot. And they can still be flown over (by empowered elephants).

And these things would be immobile gem-sinks. You couldn't move them to any other Province-which is why I suggested they be summons. If you make them combat castings, they become a whole lot more powerful. If they're summons, then they have to be permanently assigned to a single Province, which all makes them *very* niche.
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