On the subject of things inspired by Warhammer 40k: We already have one mod Nation inspired by Nehekhara, and I propose a second! But in *this* case, one inspired by the Necrons, but adapted to the basic Dom3 setting (as in, the Fantasy/History/Mythology basic setting). So, sort of a combination undead/steampunk/high technology/ancient society 'Frankenstein's Monster' kind of Nation. I think that could be an awful lot of fun.
Suggested features: longdead with armour bolted to their skeletons, tomb factories, ancient machines, golems fashioned from dozens of corpses, winged undead units with crossbows, energy beings with the ability to enslave other beings, a very strong focus on Death and Astral, with little or no other magic, commanders that autocast 'Ritual of Returning', undead and unliving units with Regenerate and Heal Self, units that autocast a spell that heals undead (Tomb Spyders), scouts with Fear (Flayed Ones), most units have the 'Mindless', 'Undead', and/or 'Inanimate' tags, with *very* few-and *very* expensive Commanders to lead them-maybe instead of the standard "Tomb Lord", they could be led only by Monoliths, which would be Capital only, and require an enormous amount of Resources to build, requiring the Capital to be more or less shut down, every time you want to build a leader.
2 high-power unique summons: 'Deciever', and 'Nightbringer', with 'Outsider' and 'Void Dragon' Pretender chassis.
Maybe somebody will want to build this themselves, or maybe I'll get to it in a few years