Originally Posted by MaxWilson
...Forge of the Ancients counts BEFORE forge bonus? If the forge bonus came first, a 15% forge bonus on a 5 gem item would round down to 4 gems, and then Forge of the Ancients would halve that to 2 gems. Instead, Forge halves the cost from 5 to 2, and then a 15% bonus on top rounds down to 1.
It's also possible to forge items for free, if you can get the cost below 1. (It's almost never worth doing so, though.)
Did you know that... that's not the whole of it?
Site bonuses to Con are also applied independently of these two - I think the order is Forge->site->hammer. And... the gem cost appears to be rounded down between each step. So you can get Rings of Wizardry for 9S, or clams for 3W1N.