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Old October 8th, 2008, 07:51 AM

Innocence Innocence is offline
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Default Re: Coop against AI?

Originally Posted by Edratman View Post
It sounds to me like you will want to ally the AI's also against your co-op human alliance
Exactly. Humans vs AI(s) (be it one large AI or several smaller ones)
If you do not know how to do this, just post what nations you and your friends wish to play, which map you want to use (choose one of the ones that come with the game or one of the ones in the map section of the Maps and Mods forum) and I'll set up a game for you within 48 hours.
Interresting. Is this on Llamaserver?
Also let me know how hard you want the game to be. Then I will choose the number of AI opponents using a province ratio of 15 to 20 provinces per player (your co-op + AI).
Ideally hard enough to keep the game interresting without being totally impossible

Is it possible to design good Pretenders for the AI to use?
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