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Old October 8th, 2008, 11:49 PM
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Disk Re: Random Maps and Underground Provinces

Originally Posted by Ballbarian View Post

There is a slight learning curve with making the tools do what you want, but if you can get past that part I think you will like it. Especially if you do much single player. The start placement and province variety could be useful for multiplayer as well if you are so inclined.

I was hopeing to use it mainly for making maps for SP mode. I hit the exucute button a few times now and I see what you mean about the learning curve. I attatched one of my abortions to this post.
Strange things are happening in these maps. My land nation started a couple times in water. The provinces seem to have bizare connections, where some provinces have zero connections ,or the connected province is several provinces away.
Also the map I see when creating the game(picking the map from the list)is always different than the one that loads in for the game. On one map the names of several provinces where clumped together in the water.

I haven't seen any sign of cave formation yet, could you supply some good settings that would result in caves?
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Last edited by Skirmisher; October 8th, 2008 at 11:51 PM..
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