Ulm is essentially a living corpse of a nation now, dead but not quite dead. So that the dying shambles of Ulm aren't eaten up solely by Ulm's enemies, all NAPs, alliances, or anything of the sort with Ulm are declared void. Current non-capital provinces are 684 and 650. Take your fill, not that what's left is very filling. It would be much more so if you happened to take some lands from EA C'tis, EA Atlantis, or LA Arcoscephale, all of whom are rather rude neighbors of Ulm. You should probably prepare for quite a fight, though.
By the way, I plan on keeping my capital. Just so you know. My ~60-strong force of smiths shall be waiting for whoever decides to come a-knockin'. With fire. Hot, burning fire.

I'll keep my farewells for the
real end. Which will likely be soon.