Re: EA Agartha: The Ancient Lord SC.
yeah you seem to neglect early expansion, i would say take a nice bless (earth works, water works to boost you're naturally low defence, fire doesn't work because you already do lots of damage but i guess a minor bless to get you hiting would do) and start by recruiting earth readers for research and to lead armies (40 leadership, can bless, limited magical skills - not bad to start) and a range of sacreds, mainly seal guards because they can take most units out in one hit and hurlers (unarmoured would do, they only need to sit just behind the front line and lob over boulders to mutilate the enemy front line - water bless starting to sound nice here), get that earth reader to bless troops and you should be killing indies too quickly to worry about fatigue (especially 2 boulders from each hurler per turn).
research head straight towards conjuration 3 and summon all the magma children you can (hideously cheap and fire strike tears through enemy lines unless it's abysia this early) then construction for equipment to tool up oracles (self blessing, battle commander - forget ancient lord)and evocation for stuff like bladewind and magma bolts to harrass enemy lines from the safety of the backlines(as if quickened hurlers wasn't enough.