Next patch will give us a bunch of nation and site modding commands:
New nation modding commands:
- #autoundead Dominion reanimates dead like LA Ermor
- #zombiereanim Basic reanimation (ghouls, soulless, longdead) + 15 undead leadership per holy level
- #horsereanim Reanimation of longdead horsemen
- #wightreanim Reanimation of undead Lictors
- #manikinreanim Carrion Woods Pangaea reanimation
- #tombwyrmreanim C'tis reanimation
- #domkill Dominion kills population
- #domunrest Dominion causes unrest
- #templecost Sets gold cost for temples
- #labcost Sets gold cost for labs
New site modding commands:
- #mon Adds a recruitable monster to the site
- #com Adds a recruitable commander to the site
- #clear Clears the site's attributes
- #incscale Increases a scale
- #decscale Decreases a scale
These commands and their usage will be listed in detail in the next modding manual version, which will be included in the coming patch.