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Old October 13th, 2008, 12:54 PM
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Nikelaos Nikelaos is offline
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Default Maleth - Reign of justice

Some of you (though perhaps not many) may know i did some sprites for aezeal's dominions 3000 mod. Well i've come to the point now where i'm thinking "why don't i start making my own mod" so that's what i'm doing.

Maleth is a kinda experiment into an interesting description of a nation where the god isn't the supreme power but rather justice itself is. Imagine a somewhat tribal nation with a vast ever expanding pantheon of exalted men, spirits and beasts. Where a god can be discarded as quickly as you can say GUILTY as karma reigns supreme.

All of Maleth units will have patrol bonuses so small groups can patrol provinces efficiently allowing you to raise the taxes high and get a nice early boost on the cash.

i won't say much more till the release (the best sorta prize is a SURprise) but here's a taster description of the nations sacred.

"The judges are the highest caste of lawgivers in Maleth. Heavily armoured and weilding poisonous karma blades they have a reputation of being merciless towards sinners and are truly something to fear on the battlefield."
Melita Mod

Last edited by Nikelaos; October 13th, 2008 at 03:58 PM..
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