See these two threads:
For some reason, there has been lots of discussion about this recently. Has it really become this common? I hope not.
Any way, since most of the questions you might want to ask are probably answered in those two threads, I suggest reading them. Here's what I wrote about the bug in one of them.
The fights are calculated once while the new turn is hosted, and the results of that fight are used for determining which units died, who controls the province etc. The fights you see are replays of that fight, using the same random seed (i.e. all the random rolls will come up in the same order as in the original fight). If, for any reason, there's a calculation in a wrong place, the replay doesn't turn out as it should. There have been many problems that caused this, and they've been fixed when they've been identified.
The only example I can remember right now is that in DomII, the comparison used to determine who wins a Magic Duel (random roll A + astral level A vs random roll B + astral level B) was handled differently in Linux and Windows distributions (Windows: first A, then B; Linux: first B, then A). When the random roll was high enough to change the result, the battle went differently from that point onwards. It didn't matter as long as the hosting and playing happened on the same operating system, which caused even more confusion.
As you can see, it is difficult to find the exact bug that causes the symptom in your case.