Originally Posted by Baalz
2) Killing other SCs. Poison golems are O.K. at that to if you equip them propertly. My poison golem won the big SC challenge that was run awhile ago up against the best stuff everybody could build for an arena fight with 20 something entries I beleive. Boots of quickness and a standard of the damned, and they'll take down most things not custom built to fight them.
Yes, I placed the Poison Golem in the competition, maybe I didn't make it clear with this statement. The poison golem as a chasis wasn't irrelevant, it was ideal for the following reasons:
High base protection. This means it's unnecessary to buff base protection with stone boots, earth magic, etc. This means you can get boots of quickness and armor of souls - or something different if you prefer. Bottom line, with halfway decent armor he's got very good staying power - particularly if you're spamming drain life twice a round.
Banefire shield. This is something you can't otherwise get (well, other than the king of banefires), and has the huge benefit of being effective against fire immune units - imps specifically. Lifelong protections were indeed common in the SC challenge, but then again they're not exactly rare when fighting any blood nation. The banefire shield makes the standard of the damned an option for general use - how many guys can handle chaff control with no fire/frostbrand or shield?
Lifeless/mindless - makes him immune to many of the standard SC counters. If you equip him to give him elemental immunity towards whatever your opponent is likely to use it's pretty much down to running forward and whacking through the banefire shield at an extremely high protection guy who's spamming life drain (as in his HPs are shooting up every round). He's lethal towards SCs. He's lethal towards chaff. He's immune to everything the bad mages can cast (with a few exceptions, which your opponent certainly may not have access to).
No magic - doesn't seem like a benefit at first, but the point is he doesn't need to spend rounds self buffing. Critical for the SC competition, but certainly an important factor for general use as an anti-SC. A secondary consideration is you don't need to do any other reserach, you've got a solid SC with nothing but Cons-9 done.
All in all, look at what you get for the cost! He's maybe not the best unit in the game, but certainly cost effective if you use him properly...