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Old October 15th, 2008, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate now with preview

Aezeal-a couple things you could do to make dragons less economically efficient:

1-the next update is going to include sites that raise/lower scales. You could include a starting site that increases sloth. The problem with that is, it won't take effect until the next update.

2-with the next update, you can raise/lower the price of temples, labs, for dragons. Since dragons are all so huge, it makes sense their temples, labs, would be huge too, and require a variety of unusual-thus expensive-equipment. Same problem as above, though.

3-You can also include "increases unrest" on your units. All my dragons increase unrest, naturally. And this is something you should be able to do, right away.
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