Playing as EA Caelum, somewhere in the middle of a war with Yomi. With the bulk of my archer troops distracted fighting off the massive demonic chaff horde of the month, I was using my rainbow Arch Seraph both for expansion aid and site searching, by attacking indie provinces in the company of a few other mages, with a smallish group of archers for support.
Hit an indie province defended by heavy and light cavalry. Despite all sorts of lightning-related doom and arrows falling upon them, the heavies charged through, smashing the front rank of my hapless archers. One of my mages, standing with the rest in the middle of the group, cast Shock Wave. Not having seen that particular spell in effect before, my first reaction was "Holy ****", as a huge torrent of lightning slew dead every single unit standing in front of the mage, including about a third of my archers and most of the heavies, resulting in much chaos but a rout of the enemy forces.
My second reaction, after studying the battle more carefully, was to quit the game completely. My poor Arch Seraph was standing right in front of the mage.
-1 to all paths hurts a Rainbow hard.