Originally Posted by HoneyBadger
Comparatively, although Niefelheim seems strong because you get big huge tough giants etc. they're actually the weakest of the Heims.
To maximize their abilities and strengths, they should be equipped much differently than they are, with metal armor-preferrably scale, blunt impact weapons with spread effect-appropriately designed maces, flails, hammers, etc., and mounts, to increase their speed and protect their biggest weakness-their knees.
IMHO, the leather armor is pretty good for Niefels because it means they're 0 enc with an E9 bless. It's okay that their axes don't kill chaff effectively because, in critical mass, the cold aura will be doing most of the killing (as soon as opponents hit 200 fatigue).
I like the Skelly Spam + (Darkness OR Iron Bane) strategy here.