Originally Posted by Crevan
Ich, I know only one forum - ag.ru - and it`s very bad forum. Lots of kidz, trolls, /b/tards and ugly stupid moderators. Also last post about Dom III dated march-08
I can't imagine how you were looking, but the Dom3 thread at agfc has been updating every day for several years, the last post was today, and new games are starting regularly (:
I haven't seen even single «kid, troll, /b/tard or ugly stupid moderator» there — Dominions is not their type of game. Btw, several members of that community have multiple HoF records here (at the official community), and others perform not bad as well.
As for your game preferences, I doubt anyone would like to play vs AI. People enjoy PvP, you won't ever get such gaming experience from playing vs AI.