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Old October 17th, 2008, 08:07 AM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Should LA Mictlan get access to LA Atlantian submarine units?

Actually, I think even if they got the same units, they would be worse for Mictlan.

The big attraction to the Forgiving Father for LA Atlantis is that it gives them access to Astral. Mictlan already has Astral, so it's only a fairly expensive Water/Astral mage. There's not a lot of useful synergy with Water and Astral, so there's not much benefit. And for Mictlan, another H2 is no big deal.

It's nice to have and those units are good against R'lyeh. Anything that gives R'lyeh more opposition in the water is good.
Mind you, different, equally interesting units would be great, but thematically it makes sense for either nation to find the same survivors when they return to the depths.
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