Re: Like-Offtopic: Moscow (or just Russia)
Originally Posted by alhorro
I can't imagine how you were looking, but the Dom3 thread at agfc has been updating every day for several years, the last post was today, and new games are starting regularly (:
I`ll check it right now! Thanks
Originally Posted by alhorro
I haven't seen even single «kid, troll, /b/tard or ugly stupid moderator» there — Dominions is not their type of game. Btw, several members of that community have multiple HoF records here (at the official community), and others perform not bad as well.
Over 9000, believe me
Originally Posted by alhorro
As for your game preferences, I doubt anyone would like to play vs AI. People enjoy PvP, you won't ever get such gaming experience from playing vs AI.
As JimMorrison said, if "for fun", or there are various skills of playing (newbies, mid-exp players and masters)
Plz sorry for my english - I`m Russian, and have no time to practice. If you want to discuss the game - well, let`s do it. If you want to discuss mistakes - write pm
Also grammar nazis must say sorry to my sick duck, yeah