Originally Posted by Tifone
I think it is something you want for your mages, if you've strong sacred battle ones or access to shroud of battle saints. For the troops seems a bit a waste the most of the times, when a melee unit attacks another you want the enemy dead, not afflicted, Death seems a poor and unuseful synergy with everything you want for making your melee sacreds fight better (water, fire, whatever).
Well, yes and no.
If you have plentiful melee sacreds, then it can be worth going for the D9 bless (especially with sacred mages to take advantage as well). Not only do you get nifty magic weapons with some AN damage, but now your sacreds can completely ruin thugs/SCs in the first couple of hits. If you can't make those guys hit for 100 damage through 30 Prot, then you can neutralize the threat with afflictions.