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Old October 18th, 2008, 03:47 AM
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Default Re: Spell database - Web interface

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
Yes, I can't think that very many people use IE by considered choice. It's simply a default for most people.
Generalisation for the win, eh?

I have IE, FF and Lynx installed. I've used Lynx as far as I can remember, and nothing is as fast as that one when reading forums etc, no nasty popups, no cookies, just a feeling of ultimate speed and ease of use; sadly for example this new Shrapnel forum is incomprehensible in Lynx

When Lynx is not a possibility I use IE. IE7, despite what many claim, is easy to use and fast. FF has a crap load of all sorts of options and whatnots, and my brain starts to hurt when I try to figure it out; hence I use FF only when Lynx or IE7 are not possible (like using the spell database).

Btw, thanks again for this excellent tool Thumbs up!
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