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Old October 18th, 2008, 11:56 AM
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Default Re: Kickabout - Game Started.

Hi Guys.

After reading the thread describing the bug I don't think a roll back is the correct course of action.

Originally posted by Llamabeast

It's worth noting that the defeat isn't exactly unfair. It's just that the battle could have worked out differently, depending on chance. In the version you saw, you won. In the version the server ran, you lost. But your troops did get to fight fairly nonetheless, it's just that unfortunately you don't get to see the battle they fought and so you can't see what went wrong.
Whilst I sympathise with Iron Duke not being able to see what went wrong this paragraph makes it quite clear that Ulm won two perfectly fair victories and so to undo Ulm's victories would be unfair on him.

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