Originally Posted by Aezeal
weaken the idea's a bit and make the recruitable everywhere... leave some idea's out and make a 2nd nation with it.. I always think it's sad when I see nation (how ever great they are) with about 20000 recruitables etc and then realize that when you play 1-2 will probably stand out as being the best and the rest will not be used much. THis will be ESPECIALLY true if it's cap only units. Making 12 + cap only units is a waste, only the best 1-3 max will be recruited, the rest won't.
Better split them over 2 similar flavoured nations will also give the nation more focus. Make one monk nation and one alchemical weapons nations for example. The limited description won't let you tell a lot of the background anyway, if you give the nation a bit of focus it will be more coherent and clearer for those who didn't make it.
Good point, and when playing to win, I usually only focus on 1-2 unit types myself (ah, if only Dominions 4 would have recruitment limitations... eg, Knights can only be recruited from the 'noble proportion' of the population, whereas slings can be recruited from the far more plentiful 'lower classes', forcing one to field more 'historical' armies... the Mongols had arguably inferior troop types, but they were unstoppable because unlike the European powers, they had far better 'recruitment limits' and were able to recruit much more of their population into cavalry), but I must also confess that I tend to mod for atmosphere and aesthetics rather than only game practicality - if a nation historically known for a certain unit which is rather inferior in practice, I'll wanna mod it in. What I really like about Dominions is the sheer width of research put in and sometimes I just like to add to that... even if at times it's more flavor than function... more a painting than a tool.
Might seem weird to some, but I like to play against AI not with just victory in mind, but rather deliberately use a suboptimal but more interesting strategy - whether to get myself into conundrums and try to solve them, or usually just for the sake of the simulation and the story.
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Your note about scenario might be answered by site modding or by unit modding with the mid-game change of the games mod done by a pre-exec call. Check out this thread...
Oh and I do remember your exe edit fondly. I always meant to modify it to change (update) the hints text in the game.
Gandalf Parker
Oh, pre-exec calls? How's that done? Can we edit the 'fatherland' now or something?