Thread: Mad rantings
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Old October 19th, 2008, 06:57 PM

Aezeal Aezeal is offline
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Default Re: Mad rantings

having more units is not the same as having more than one way of playing a nation. I'm pretty sure most nations have more than one way of playing them even with a small number of units. Even with 2 ways of playing them a small number of units will be used. On the other hand if you make a nation with 2 VERY different ways of playing them you make 2 different nations anyway so then I don't see the reason to put them together. replayability: 2 nations would certainly give the same replayability as 1 with to much units.

anyway, more units are hardly much more work on the .dm file since a unit is easily created.

anyway sing, I'm not against units for flavor, I love that, but over doing it is another thing. Personally I never thing about strategies when making a nation, I just create the units I think flavor dictates they should have.
But when faced with a large number of unit idea's putting them in 2 balanced nations so more of the units can be used still is usefull (I'm very much in favor of the gusy working on greenskins doing a north and south version of them and Sombre had idea's for 2 empire nations)
Want a blend of fantasy and sci-fi? Try the total conversion Dominions 3000 mod with a new and fully modded solar system map.
Dragons wanted? Try the Dragons, Magic Incarnate nation.
New and different undead nation? Try Souls of Shiar. Including new powerfull holy magic.
In for a whole new sort of game? Then try my scenario map Gang Wars.
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