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Old October 20th, 2008, 12:24 AM
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Default Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

All is lost.

In the end, righteousness and enlightenment were no match for barbarism and savagery. Although the people of T'ien Ch'i fought with the favor of the Divine Emperor, still we were defeated. Our brave soldiers were crushed beneath the tread of enormous boots; our divine emissaries, called from the heavens, were cut down with ancient artifacts of power; our wise and learned sages were humbled by the magics of the demon-children and devoured by their kings. When the most beneficent and profound Divine Emperor Mono Zedong took the field to protect his subjects, clad in his shining armor and wielding a blade so swift it could not be seen by mortal eyes, the cowards of Hinnom slew even him from afar with their mystic prowess.

The great empire of T'ien Ch'i is no more; our lands are ash, our villages are rubble, our peasants are food for the invaders. We few survivors of the Imperial Court have been left with no choice but to flee to our mountain homeland and seal ourselves within the Forbidden Palace, most secret of our nation's holy places. Within this colossal tomb of our forefathers, all we can do is wait for our bodies to inevitably join theirs in the dust.

My only hope is that in some future era, a new people shall arise, greater even than we were... great enough to defeat the merciless men of Hinnom and their masters, great enough to return this land to its true glory. By the grace of the Divine Emperor, may these future heirs to our legacy find that the collection of treaties, ultimatums, and diplomatic proclamations I have collected throughout this war and enclosed herein helps them avoid the doom that has overtaken us, and indeed, all the world.
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