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Old October 20th, 2008, 12:45 AM

konming konming is offline
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Default Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Thanks a lot Omnirizon for organizing this fantastic game.

Thank you very much for CyberMoses who were good neighbors and worthy foes. Your army gave us the most headache and even slew many powerful Ba'als with legendary reputation and even more legendary artifacts.

Our thank goes to Juffos who was our only ally in our struggle against powerful magician sword fighters from Kailasa.

And of course all the friends and foes in the game.

There was a time that Hinnom could be soundly defeated. Had Sauromatia not given up so early, and other neighbors joined the attack, there was no way Hinnom Ba'als could react to so many front. Still, I stand here not because of great skill, but mainly due to unbalancing nature of Hinnom.

I will post all my turns and commands given. Maybe some will find entertaining watching the growth of Hinnom empire.
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Last edited by konming; October 20th, 2008 at 01:00 AM..
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