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Old October 20th, 2008, 02:49 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

perhaps. it may have changed the game, but it would have also meant almost certain destruction of Kailasa. you demanded we forfeit a large part of our empire right back to you. And if at peace with you we would really only have TC to attack, and while you and I were at war and losing troops, TC had been building tons of them up. Thus really Kailasa would be boxed in and have nowhere to go, surrounded by progressing empires. So you see, we really didn't have a choice. With your reparation demands, we couldn't accept a peace treaty because it would have been certain death.

A major problem with this map, I see now, is its "piping" effects. It is largely just a bunch of one province width corridors and the map tends to isolate players from others or at least be very deterministic of who meets who. Without a central position, you will likely have only 2 or 3 neighbors. Further, what neighbors you will have is determined at the beginning of the game because all the corridors funnel the expansion from any given position on the map. So while in most maps you have a little choice about where to expand to, in Antilarium you do not.
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