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Old October 21st, 2008, 02:09 AM
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Default Re: Suggestions for new patch

Originally Posted by HoneyBadger View Post
Another thing I'd like to see would be some kind of "charisma" or PR/Diplomacy scale (whatever seems like a good term to call it), that would affect your Nation's ability to attract heroes, since I think heroes ought to be separated out from other good events.
Yes, I could see some kind of spreading influence thing added to the game. A kind of "scale of influence", perhaps. Hey I know, it could be called "dominion", like the name of the game!

I always thought dominion should have a stronger effect on the game. I hope you don't mind if I rewrite your suggestions to fit the existing model.


[Negative dominion] might affect the Morale of your units negatively, and reduce your chances to attract Heroes.

[Positive dominion] would also give you some kind of boost to your PD-based on [their fanaticism], other Nations don't want to risk your displeasure, and because you're not worried about keeping up appearances, there's no reason not to decorate in the styles of "early crow's cage" and "Spanish Inquisition", complete with pit traps and caltrops.

[High dominion] would help you get more heroes, and maybe lowers the price of Mercenaries, and possibly even Summoned creatures, but it would also give you a negative Patrol factor, since [disguising themselves as pilgrims and priests] allows spies and assassins easy access.

I'd also like to see some generic, non-National heroes available. Examples might include a hoburg knight, a bog beast, a wandering Titan, a knight of the Chalice, a hero from one of the wolf/bear/lion/deer tribes, or one of the Amazon independents, etc. Units specific to Dominions, in other words, but not specific to any one Nation. I think a chance of getting one of those would add more of a specific "Dominions flavor". You can already get Necromancers, etc., ofcourse, I'd just like this expanded, and the units themselves labled as actual Heroes.

What difference would it make if a unit was a hero? Currently, heroes aren't even unique the way unique summons are. A good event description would be enough IMO.

Knight of the Chalice:
"Group of peasants in a backwater province decided to join the army to get free food and upkeep. Fortunately, a wandering knight happened to hear about the nefarious plot and killed all of them. Dominion was increased."
Rare good event, requires dominion 4, gives Knight of the Chalice commander

"Your miners dug too deep following a promising vein of rare metal ores and unleashed a nameless terror imprisoned under a mountain ages ago. The creature wreaked dreadful destruction and killed 1 percent of the population until a lone priest stood against him and threatened him with divine punishment. Now afraid of your power, the creature has accepted to serve you in return for his continued freedom."
Rare good event, requires dominion 8, requires Production 2, mountain or cave only, gives Cyclops with E3, creates a Mine of Superior Iron site.

Of course, similar bad events should also be made. A Cyclops freed from his imprisonment could kill 10% of the population and take control of the province if you had Misfortune.

Last edited by Endoperez; October 21st, 2008 at 02:15 AM..
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