Re: Suggestions for new patch
Also, Endoperez: Using Dominion would be a nice idea, and I agree that I'd like to see Dominions have more of an effect too, but I was thinking more of a determiner of how the Nation is viewed by other Nations, in terms of morality, aggression, social freedoms, etc. This would help balance out the really powerful Nations-Mictlan, Hinnom, R'lyeh, Lanka, Niefelheim, etc-who also always seem to be really evil, too.
They might start with a malus to their "Charisma", while weaker Nations might have a plus, due to their more open and friendly characters.
I'd rather see Dominion possibly affect things like morale, population types of indies under it's control, PD, and maybe some Pretender and Nation-specific effects.
There was one post that suggested Tien Chi might grant longevity to it's mages at Dominion 10. It ultimately seems that it doesn't, but what a great idea if the Celestial Emperor granted that power at high Dom.
Titans might perhaps grant all human units an extra hp or two at very high Dom.
Freaklord might add some freaks to your Nation's PD, or allow you to recruit them directly. Vampire Queen, the same, only with vampires and thralls.Dakaina-being a sea monster-might allow you to build PD in an underwater province with 10 Dominion, etc.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!