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Old October 23rd, 2008, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: Dealing with an early N9 E9 Niefel Giant rush

Niefel Giants can freeze your troops to death before they do enough damage to kill them ? Try undead troops, they are immune to cold, and if you play nations like Helheim, Agartha or Fomoria, or better, Lanka or Yomi, you can mass them easily to deal with the big guys...

I would favor Lanka and Yomi, because they have priests who are demons, and so can reanimate undeads while your mages cast Reanimate (which is only Ench. 1). You can also summon more undead units with low-level Conj. spells, and Lanka have Host of Ganas (which is only Conj. 2 IIRC), which gives you something like 20 ethereal undead units for only 12 gems...
It's better to be GoRed by a nature mage than gored by a boar...
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