Re: Collider - Small Late Age Game (running)
Kali has pondered long and assiduously, after being informed that there is indeed another nation of death still in the world, and occupying much of it's lands. Though she has sympathy for the Atlanteans, after being driven from their home in the sea by R'lyeh, she sees this as no reason to embrace the tenants of death. All the Atlantean mages now use the death magic, and this is not acceptable.
Therefore, Kali has declared that Atlantis is the new Enemy of the World. Though we have no border with Atlantis, we shall support any nation that goes to war with them, to rid our world of their misguided blight.
All other wars in progress (save for the clean-up of the Agarthans) should be ended. Petty differences can be resolved once Atlantis has been removed from the world.