Thread: I hate horrors
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Old October 25th, 2008, 03:54 PM

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Default Re: I hate horrors

Originally Posted by TwoBits View Post
I just don't see what the big deal is. The only time I've ever faced one of the uber Doom Horrors was when I cast a global with Astral Corruption up (as an underwater race, with excellent bodyguards - so I survived, barely).

In another game once, I had an Elemental King repeatedly nailed by Horror Mark (7 or 8 times, at least), and over the course of the next 30-40 turns, was attacked by a grand total of one, ONE, regular Horror - and that was it! No Hunter of Heroes, no Doom Horrors, nothing. Made me regret all the paranoid precautions I took that hampered a fully useful deployment, and all for no good reason.

Which makes me believe that you need an insane level of horror marking before you can expect regular visits by Kurgi, the Swallower of Souls, the Devourer of Eyeballs (OK, I'm making these names up at this point, because, well, I've only ever seen that one guy, in that one game, in all this time of playing, and I've forgotten his name already!), etc..

AC is a whole 'nother ball of wax. But if you allow your Pretender, or other prized unit, to become sooo badly horror marked that he's a Doom Horror magnet, then you deserve everything you get, IMO.
When Astral Corruption is up, there is a chance of the Send Horror spell actually sending a Doom Horror.

That being said, there are a number of Horror-based strategies where someone would unintentionally become HMed.
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