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Old October 26th, 2008, 10:58 AM
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Default Re: How do you fight the Niefel giants?

Originally Posted by Nikelaos View Post
Originally Posted by Kuritza View Post
I'm confused.
With their stacking chill aura, they make any number of opposing troops useless in a matter of 1-2 rounds, so anything not immune to cold cannot even scratch them. In my test game 15 niefel giants killed 35 helhirdlings and 80 van infantry with no losses.
Somebody has managed to defeat Niefelheim? I'd like to hear your thoughts.
hellhirdlings and van infantry aren't the way to go.

send in some valkyries and a commander(there are a few elidgable choices) with a fire bless, split you're valkyries into several squads(maybe two or 3), script for each squad to attack at a different time so as to give the giants some time to clear some space adjacent to them so the next squad can hit them strraight away instead of waiting behind their buddies in the giants cold aura getting over fatigued.

the fire bless is what will give you're valkiries what they need to pack the punch to take the giants down and you should have you're commander casting buffs on the squads holding with him before they go out to kill giants, or just have you're commander casting evocation spells .

usually though you will want to just raid his undefended provinces with valkiries, they can fly and have glamour making them the perfect raiders, they are also pretty good fighters so can be used if you need to attack via the above strategy.

Edit: oops clicked quote instead of edit.
Melita Mod
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