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Old October 27th, 2008, 08:01 AM

Jybalbyle Jybalbyle is offline
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Default Byleswar (GAME IN PROGRESS)

Greetings one and all...

I'm a new player of Dominions 3. I was first introduced to the game by Mr RadioGibbon whom some of you may know. Anyway, I got the game last week and have been tinkering about with a few single-player games and now I feel ready to take the plunge.
I am starting a small game for newish players.

Game Name: Byleswar
Server: LlamaServer (automated play-by-email)
Hosting interval: 24 hours
Age: Early
Graphs: On
Settings: Default
Mods: None
Map: Aran
Victory: Last Man Standing
Diplomacy: Pacts are only worth the paper they're written on

Players: 9

Player List:

1: Jybalbyle (Ulm)
2: RadioGibbon (Marverni)
3: rdonj (Yomi)
4: natit (Mictlan)
5: licker (Niefel)
6: Iron Duke (Arcoscephale)
7: PAR (Sauromatia)
8: Carpetbagger (Caelum)
9: Psykmoe (Abysia)

28 OCT: Wow, what a response! Thank you all for signing up to this.
Okay, so no more vacancies now. Squeezed Psykmoe on the end coz I just can't say no.

29 OCT: Okay, the game is on! May the best god win!

See you in the game,


Last edited by Jybalbyle; October 29th, 2008 at 04:10 AM..
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