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Old October 28th, 2008, 03:01 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Ooh, ooh, new info on patch page!

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post

Both Hinnom and Niefel are beyond any other nation. The fact that in some circumstances [bad player? good cooperation against them? different game settings?] they are not dominating means nothing. Look at the big picture. While Niefel and Hinnom are very strong in early game, in mid they turn into insane mode - buffs + construction for forging + recruitable SCs. At that stage Hinnom is as strong as he had 3x more provs.
Zeldor I have played Hinnom/Gath in something like 9 mp games.
I've been playing Dominions since its inception. Perhaps I am completely unskilled. But I simply do not find Hinnom to be the game breaker you portray it to be. Strong yes. Top Ten yes. Beyond any other nation.. no.

You posit that Hinnoom and Niefel are beyond any other nation.
But that just doesn't square with objective reality. LA Ermor, LA Ryalla are much bigger problems.

I believe I can reliably beat a person of equal skill playing hinnom with many different nations - I don't think its even particularly challenging. Lanka, Mictlan,LA Mictlan, LA ermor, Sauromatia, to name a few.

By the way - I am not a competent player with ulm - but I'd be interested in seeing how the the ulm new stop sacred would work again hinnom / Niefle.

And the Size difference makes a *huge* difference. It stops the chariots from trampling some of Fomorias units, some of Niefles, and elephants - which includes the arcosephale nations, the bandar log nations, and independent elephants - not to mention Caelum's mammoths.

I have no problem if hinnom is nerfed (hopefully in a thematic sense). But to my mind the biggest problem is the strength of the starting army.

But I'd much rather see some of the weak races boosted a little.
Yomi, if it had just a few problems fixed (mostly having to do with magic paths)- could just blow Niefle out of the water.

Change the precision of those yomi flame throwing units from 8 to 11, and increase the prcision of the throw flames to +4 and you'd see Niefle.. go down in flames.. literally.

And its not that unbalancing as you're talking about 3 ammo units......
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