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Old October 29th, 2008, 02:47 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Ooh, ooh, new info on patch page!

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
Yes, Ashdod needs a nerf too, but I think the devs know this. They are just looking for more info on how over-powered Ashdod is. Your post should help.


I don't know if I'm advocating for a nerf or not. Part of the fun of strategy games is identifying the "best" strategies and getting to exploit them: in this case it was pretty obvious that a good bless benefits Ashdod way more than an SC pretender because they already have recruitable SCs, and almost everything else follows from there. I might just be advocating that if you play with Ashdod, you will need to create custom "Super Impossible" AIs to play against (give them lots of extra gems, research bonus, etc.) in order to make it fun. "Nerfing," to me, is more about MP and I don't have any data on how Ashdod plays in MP. I suspect they're going to be gold-hungry, and will have a little bit of trouble getting early research started because Adonim take a couple of turns to recruit until you get Resources up (thus preventing you from recruiting *two* mages). The single-Adon expansion parties are also a little brittle and perhaps susceptible to ambush. Somehow, people manage to stave off Niefelheim, and with no cold aura I expect an Ashdod rush to be less frightening than Niefelheim but perhaps on par with Lanka or Helheim.

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