Thread: MP Methadone - running
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Old October 30th, 2008, 04:25 AM
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Shock Methadone - running

Intro: The llamaserver is down and I'm jonesing. And Toran missed out on Smack, which gives me a good excuse, as if I needed one, to start another game. I'll host it on my server. Hostname and port will be PM'ed to participants. Presenting:


Game status page:

Please note: PM your email address to me if you want turn notifications.

Game status page code is courtesy lch. Thanks lch!

Age: Late
Mods: CB1.3
Map: SixLands
Provinces: 90 Land, 3 Water
Players: 6 (Land only)
Experience: Any
Nations: Any (Except water)

Renaming: Allowed
Graphs: On (Was supposed to be off, but I screwed up the game script)
All Other Settings: Default
Host Time: Quickhost (Was 24hrs Quickhost ... if anyone objects, I'll switch it back)

Hosted on: bemura

Special Note: This map is for six land nations only. It scrolls east-west. Every nation starts in the center of each colored province group.

Another Note: Ermor? Sure, no problem! But there are no corners to hide in on this map, you'll have 4 neighbors, and odds are they're coming to get you. LA Ermor was the first nation eliminated in Collider.

All the rules in Bazooko apply. This is a Vegas-style game where NAPs have little or no meaning. Your reputation will not be sullied if you commit dastardly deeds and betrayals. Anything possible in the game goes.

There's a good post about playing your turns offline here. (see Tip 3: Offline turns.)

Important Note: Please make a new version of your god that's password-protected. The main reason I like to do this is so that I can connect to the server, and then just click 'Okay' instead of entering my password. If you've got a password set, you'll see that game status screen without accidentally uploading or downloading your turn. Plus no-one can accidentally click on your nation and see your turn.

Nations/Players: = uploaded
Gath vfb
Abysia Toran
Man jimkehn
Ulm zlefin
Ermor lwarmonger
Marignon archaeolept

Last edited by vfb; November 1st, 2008 at 07:45 PM..
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