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Old October 30th, 2008, 08:42 AM
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Default Re: New Nation: Dragons, Magic Incarnate now with preview

Originally Posted by konming View Post
And the most expensive summon is 45 gems, which single summon is above 45?
Look at the Hinnom/Ashdod/Gath national summon series for some expensive (but uber) summons.

Not sure what the angelic summons that Marignon gets cost.

Keep in mind, however, that straight gem cost alone isn't the only factor; the opportunity cost to acquire/hoard those gems and provide a suitable caster must be factored in as well.

Originally Posted by Aezeal View Post
If the vie dragon is too powerfull I might need to tone his magic down a bit (but 7 combined magic isn't that rare is it, no randoms to increase his usefull ness etc..
Well, having some magical diversity might help in some regards, but low level diversity in nature is especially common (available via *tons* of independent shamans, enchantresses, witches, etc.) However, a high single path nature score (or any path, really) is extremely uncommon, and immediately opens up lots of rituals that normally require either the pretender, lots of bootstrapping, or empowerment.

I haven't really looked at your mod to see what the casting path requirements to get this summon are, however; for instance, if it already costs 5 nature to summon this guy, some of the above is kind of moot (just have the summoner cast the ritual, etc.)

WRT summonable dragon supercombatants, might want to compare costs vs. the Tarrasque and Iron Dragon (possibly w/GOR cost factored in) and then increase from there because of additional features.

BTW, cool sprites Aezeal :-)
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