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Old October 31st, 2008, 01:31 AM
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Default Re: Moving Through Multiple Provinces

Originally Posted by licker View Post
And spare the 'time on this is time not on something else', while true, its completely beside the point. Mods can do alot, this would be actual assistance to the micro hell which does exist in this game. Same for adding a quick way to dump gems from commanders ala blood slaves...
The gem dump fix is an entirely different concept. That IS something that theoretically could be implemented with relatively minor tweaking of the code.

However, the entire module relating to strategy map movement would likely have to be rewritten from scratch, in order to move it from a "1 turn at a time, period" system, to a system that deals with multiple turn movement. There are too many factors to be looked at: terrain, flight, map move speed, stealth, ownership, etc. So it's nothing that can just be simply tacked on to the current system, and thus will not be seen in Dom3. Pray for it in Dom4, but seriously, with basically 1 person doing almost all of the actual coding of the game engine, there are other things I'd much rather see him work on, myself.
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