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Old November 1st, 2008, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Originally Posted by NTJedi View Post
I don't have any faith Obama has what it takes to be president. I'm not happy about McCain either, but at least he has stronger experience in the military and businesses.
At what cost does this "experience" come? I honestly don't believe that anyone over 60 is going to be effectual at meeting the challenges of this rapidly changing modern world.
With age the body and mind slow down, but not to the degree you're thinking. Experience in taking a stand is important... not standing by and only voting "present" to pursue a career.

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
We need someone with flexibility and ingenuity far more than we need someone with some tremendous depth of experience
Flexibility... you mean by not voting for or against during tough issues. Yeah that's flexible... sit back and just vote present. Good career move not to upset anyone.
Ingenunity... you mean by sticking next to religious figures until those individuals start making him look bad and thus he distances himself from them. Both good career moves, but nothing which shows the nation strong character and strong experience.

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Originally Posted by NTJedi View Post
Any speeches about raising taxes for those of high income have never worked because there's way too many loop holes... so many the wealthy pay multi-certified accountants to find them otherwise the wealthy would just use H&R Block or equivalent.
I am totally mystified by this argument. Since it will be difficult to try to tax the (exorbitantly) wealthy, you would prefer to vote someone in who has already pledged to reduce taxes on those whom we seem to have trouble getting money out of in the first place?
As I wrote earlier I'm not pleased with McCain, but he knows trying to raise their taxes will not work. Myself or McCain doesn't have 3 hours to explain every little detail. There's too many loop holes in the tax system for the wealthy. If Obama, McCain or anyone was serious about fair taxes they'd either attack these loop holes OR introduce a flat tax.

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Yes, it will be an uphill struggle to make massive multi-national conglomerate corporations, and their fabulously wealthy kings contribute fairly to the governance of the nation. However, to accomplish this goal, one must try.
An inexperienced career focused politician won't provide any benefit as president. I see him as a risk where other politicians from his party will try controlling him. Having a president who sits by and votes "present" on every issue is obviously a sign of bad news. At least McCain has a background of being self-sacrificing and doing stuff even his own party disliked which he felt was for the better good.

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
Only one of the two candidates who stands a chance to be elected is willing to try to fill loopholes, and raise the effectiveness of the system. The other candidate has stated quite clearly, time and time again, that he is in favor of reducing stated taxes on those who can afford them, and in creating more loopholes and deductions for them.
You haven't looked clearly at Obama's track record and don't wish to recognize Obama raising taxes won't change anything. Bill Gates paid ZERO in taxes during 1999, raising taxes is not the answer and if Obama doesn't know this he would be wasting our time/money, but at least he'd let us know he was "present".

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
"Tax the poor and feed the rich - and you can be quite sure that eventually the rich will be so wealthy, they will take pity on the poor, and take better care of them."

Trickle down failed so miserably, I am quite amazed that anyone with an income below 100k/year actually believes we can continue in this way.
Taxing the wealthy is not the answer, neither of the candidates are any good, but McCain has experience and takes a stand. Unlike Obama who sits back voting "present" while we pay him.
There can be only one.