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Old November 1st, 2008, 05:41 AM
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Default Re: OT: US President (US Dom Players only)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison View Post
The system is much less abusable if we designate a specific point in the flow of currency in which to tax it.

I believe the true answer to taxation, is to only tax the execution of business transactions - and never from the side of the individual.

We enacted income taxes in 1913. At that time, the bottom tax bracket (and it was easy to even still be exempt, at that time, due to low earnings) paid 1% in income taxes.
Taxation of only business transactions is another solution, but we'd have to eliminate the current tax system completely to remove all the loop holes. In any case the tax system is a mess and benefits the wealthy and very wealthy... tax cuts or tax increases on the wealthy won't be changing their lives or our lives.

Originally taxes were suppose to exist only during times of war, unfortunately government corruption/greed existed even during these early years. Government today is so bad I have government letters arriving in the the mail telling me to only expect 70% of my social security and I hear its worse for younger generations.

The country does need change, but we'll see less change from someone with a strong history of avoiding issues by voting "present", instead of making a choice.
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