Originally Posted by lch
But really, it's funny how everybody is writing off McCain already. "He's gonna die from a heart attack immediately after being elected", hilarious.
It is not funny at all. McCain had Stage 2A melanoma in 2000, an invasive form of skin cancer that claims the lives of up to 34% of those diagnosed within 10 years. If he were to win, he would become the oldest first-term President in U.S. history.
I am not assuming he's dead, but think its irresponsible not to consider the possibility and if you vote for McCain, I think you should be comfortable that Palin would make a good president, just as Obama voters should feel comfortable with the thought of president Biden.
Granted we are talking about politicians so the standards are much lower, which reminds me of a question I have always had since Bush won: why isn't there a test to take as part of running for president? It would just be part of the application process, similar to applying to college. We have tests for everything else law school, business school, the foreign service, driving a car, etc. but nothing for the highest office in the land.