Politics is far too deceptive for me to glean any kind of understanding. I can only understand my own position and even then it's hard to say which candidate will serve me better or if either candidate will serve my interests at all. (I suspect the only one looking out for me is me)
I would like to see a strong diplomat in office. Someone who could repair our relationship with countries that are supposed to be our allies, but secretly don't like us all that much. However, neither of the candidates come close to fitting the bill. So I think we're going to spend another 4 years in which the entire world thinks we're a bunch of arrogant cowboys that do whatever we want.
Second, I would like to see an economist in office. Someone who knows how to run a business and do it successfully. Again, no luck there. So we're going to spend another 4 years in which the administration goes deeply into debt while simultaneously telling everyone in America to do the exact opposite and save their money for retirement.
Oh, also I'd really like to not have to pay more in taxes. I currently give back 52% of my income to the government. I earned it fair and square, stop stealing my money.