as a reply to the last few posts:
Ehm as an outsider I think Obama would fit the diplomat who fixes bonds far better than mac. (We do thing america doesn't listen much to the rest of the world and while I can respect the fact you put your own before others (they are elected to help their own) I think the way america is doing it now is not with enough consideration for the rest of the world, I'd also like to note that unlike most I'm not per definition against the war in iraq) Not in the least due to the fact that even our most rightwing political parties are more leftwing than even your democrats

(but they would still "fit" better with us than the republicans). Also most person I hear thing america is odd cus they are being so hard on abortion and on the other hand don't do much about gun control and have a bad healthcare system for a first world country (3 things which I, and probably most around here see fixed better under democratic rule than under republican rule.)
The 2 party system as such doesn't bother me that much since politics is about compromising and in the 2 party system the compromises are made before elections within the party which then turn out the compromises and one of them gets elected and does things somewhat as they said they would. With us here all parties are generating more differnt stand points but after election they still have to work together with 2-3 parties and then they have to make compromises which always makes pplz unhappy too. (IMHO to few peoples want to understand that making compromises is what politics is all about.. you can't get it all your way... )
Sector: I don't think putting an economist in office would make that much difference I'm pretty sure all departments dealing with economy have plenty of economists in there and I'm also pretty sure they intend to do the best for their country and so will give decent advice to the one in office.
I also think pplz see taxes to much as money getting stolen, the money doesn't go to the government and vanish there (well most of the time) some of us are payed by that actually, healthcare, the roads we drive on etc etc etc etc. you all know this and it should be taken into account. Here pplz might complain abit (a lot) but in the end stuff is arranged for us etc and that costs money
PS some of the problem above probably just arise from the fact that a too large part of america is "strange" IMHO (against abortion, pro-gun, pro setting america above the rest of the worls...etc etc etc) since that is, in the end the reason politics last decades has been as it was.
I'll be the first to admit I've never been to america though.