Originally Posted by Aezeal
as a reply to the last few posts:
I also think pplz see taxes to much as money getting stolen, the money doesn't go to the government and vanish there (well most of the time) some of us are payed by that actually, healthcare, the roads we drive on etc etc etc etc. you all know this and it should be taken into account.
Unfortunately the more money the government takes the larger it becomes. One of the biggest and most important long term benefits would be changing taxes into a flat tax rate. There are so many people in government and outside of government who spend their lives just crunching numbers and reading tax laws. Think of all the long term benefits if all these people and the people of the future would instead be spending their lives providing medical research, new businesses, technologies, etc., etc., .
I do see higher taxes as money vanishing... I'll provide just two personal examples.
First I know a single mom of 5 kids with only highschool education who cannot take a job which pays her more than $9.50 an hour because it means the government will drastically cut the healthcare and financial support she recieves for her kids. She calculated for her to take a job which can match what the government provides it would need to start her at $60,0000 a year. This type of government interaction has trapped her into a poor lifestyle with no way out. I remember being excited how I found her a medical job where she easily qualified that paid $15.50 an hour and then I was shocked when she explained why she could not apply for the position.
Second is my brother works at one of the state universities... and you would not believe how government money is wasted. First the universities must spend X amount each year otherwise they will not recieve their yearly government increase. As a result the universities buy extra supplies ranging from computers to furniture whether or not its needed. Most of the extra supplies are sent back after a year or two to make room for new supplies. I heard another story where a dean cut three university jobs for her department which would have helped the department and then gave herself a raise claiming she saved the university money... the raise was about a $30,000 increase. What other jobs allow you to vote yourself a raise... oh yeah congress... that's messed up.
Within these two scenarios it's obvious there's no real system of checks & balances... the government just blindly throws money at these departments. So until I have the option to vote where my taxes are being spent I will fight against every dime being taken. Will a new president be able to redistribute the wealth fairly... NO because the government is broken and unfortunately only congress can fix it. Neither the democrats or republicans have shown effort for what really needs to be fixed.